
Home / Tax / T’is the Season

T’is the Season

Nov 5, 2014 | Tax, Tax Planning

Tax Planning Season“He who fails to plan is planning to fail” …Winston Churchill

Yeah, not that season. We’re barely past Halloween. Christmas is still several months away.

I am, of course talking, of tax planning season.

Please don’t yawn when I say that.

Yes, tax planning season. Now is the time to plan so you can lower the taxes you will be paying to the Internal Revenue Service and the states.

Now is the time to put into place the instruments and structures to freeze asset worth and pass wealth or at least limit the amount of taxes to be paid on that wealth and income.

Tax planning comes in one of three flavors – corporate tax planning, individual tax planning, and estate planning.  Over the next few weeks we’ll be posting on each of these separately.

Contact a tax professional today, and review your return.

You are leaving money on the table.


Forming Your Company

Financing Your Company

Operating Your Company

Growing Your Company

Defending Your Company


Transactional and Corporate Law

Mergers and Acquisitions


I formerly worked as a satellite employee from my home state of New Jersey. I ended my employment with my former employer in 2016. In 2018, I was sued by my former employer for $1.1 million in Illinois State Court. I was referred to Brinen & Associates, LLC by a friend who is a client of the firm. Brinen & Associates, LLC came highly recommended. I contacted Joshua Brinen and then had a consultation at his office with his colleague Mark White. Together, Messrs. Brinen and White explained my options...

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