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Answering Contract FAQs with Joshua Brinen

https://player.vimeo.com/video/981450641?badge=0&autopause=0&player_id=0&app_id=58479 What makes a contract? A contract is the meeting of the minds between two or more parties to accomplish a task. A contract is a binding obligation by which each party...

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Different Types of Nondisclosure Agreements

Non-disclosure agreements (NDAs) are an important tool for many companies to safeguard confidential information from dissemination. Several different types of NDAs can be used, depending on the situation. For example, some business relationships might require a mutual...

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What is a Nondisclosure Agreement?

A Nondisclosure Agreement, commonly called an “NDA,” is a contract between two or more parties that prevents the dissemination of a company’s sensitive information. An NDA is typically entered into at the beginning of a business relationship or significant financial...

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What is a Shareholder Annual General Meeting?

Shareholder annual general meetings are a state law statutory requirement for both private and public companies. Annual meetings are a corporate governance mechanism that allows shareholders to be informed about the affairs of the company and exercise their rights to...

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