Forming Your Company

What is an S Corp?

What is an S Corp?

If you are considering forming a business entity, you may be wondering “what is an S corp?” An S corporation is a regular corporation that meets certain criteria specified by the Internal Revenue Code and elects a special election under Subchapter S of the Internal...

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Staying Single: The One-Member LLC

Staying Single: The One-Member LLC

“I like being single. I am always there when I need me.” - Art Leo One question I’m asked by new entrepreneurs is whether one person can be his or her own company. The short answer is: Yes.   We are not talking freelancing, here. There are reasons people will want to...

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Start-Up Scenarios

Start-Up Scenarios

“...your body of work is what people remember you for.” - Brian Boitano Last month we reviewed some questions worth asking your legal advisor in the early days of your business. We received some “what if” questions and scenarios that we can explore this week. While...

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A Start-Up State of Mind

A Start-Up State of Mind

If your needs aren’t being met, drop some of your needs. -- George Carlin In business, you should always think like you’re operating a start-up. So even if you expand to fifty franchise locations, always be of the mindset that it’s an uphill battle. I’ve had to...

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Getting Started

Getting Started

“The secret of getting ahead is getting started. The secret of getting started is breaking your complex overwhelming tasks into smaller manageable tasks, and then starting on the first one.” –Mark Twain On Tuesday we discussed the common types of businesses and some...

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What Type of Businesses Should You Start?

What Type of Businesses Should You Start?

It is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.” ― J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets One of the most important decisions you as a new owner will make is determining which type of business to create. This helps...

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