
Donating Not Just our Money, But Our Time to Charity

May 19, 2015 | General, Pro Bono

IMG_1477“It’s time to put on makeup, It’s time to dress up right, It’s time to raise the curtain on The Muppet Show tonight” – theme song from The Muppet Show

Tonight, Streets International is having its annual event. I hope that you are going to join New York City’s most prestigious chefs for an evening of culinary adventure to support this wonderful cause.

I hope to see you there. Click here for information about how to get tickets for tonight’s event.

Giving to charity is important, but working with a charity is even more rewarding both for you and for that charity. We have been legal advisors to Streets for years. Sometimes putting together papers. Sometimes reviewing contracts. Sometimes just supporting their efforts on behalf of the street poor of Southeast Asia.

Tonight we will just be enjoying ourselves and having a great meal.

So, let me tell you one of my favorite stories about my daughters. I have three, fierce little girls. They are little, and they are girls, and my wife and I are raising them to be fierce women. They are all becoming adept in the marshal arts. They all play the piano (well – the first two, the third starts in a year or so). They all love superheroes (I get yelled at if I take their mother to the latest MCU movie and not them). They all love to travel. The oldest one and I went to a birthday party in Melbourne, Australia.

The middle one I took to dinner. In Hoi An. That’s her standing in the restaurant doorway in the photo above. Where specifically?

The Streets Restaurant Café is located at 17 Le Loi Street, in the historic central district of Hoi An, Vietnam. The café is in a beautifully restored shop house setting. With food inspired by chefs from around the world, the menus at Streets feature the highest standards of carefully selected contemporary Vietnamese and International cuisine. A speciality is the acclaimed Hoi An Tasting Menu, offering diners a taste of the iconic dishes unique to historic Hoi An.

Streets Restaurant Café is open daily for lunch and dinner, serving travelers, locals and specialty tour groups of all types. Reservations are accepted.

I introduced you to Streets in my prior post. If you are in New York City tonight come by to tonight’s benefit and introduce yourself to a great organization.


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I formerly worked as a satellite employee from my home state of New Jersey. I ended my employment with my former employer in 2016. In 2018, I was sued by my former employer for $1.1 million in Illinois State Court. I was referred to Brinen & Associates, LLC by a friend who is a client of the firm. Brinen & Associates, LLC came highly recommended. I contacted Joshua Brinen and then had a consultation at his office with his colleague Mark White. Together, Messrs. Brinen and White explained my options...

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