
How Managers Can Manage in Off-Hours

Aug 3, 2015 | about the firm, Careers, Corporate

Boss takes a meditation vacation

As great as your company-commanding responsibilities and pressures are, you need to accommodate yourself outside of the office, where you are (presumably) just another law abiding citizen with some other commitments or interests. Having advised several business owners and executives, I have seen where personal sacrifices were necessary and where the time away from the workplace (and its magnetizing factors) proved vital to their success. Here are some work-life balance suggestions and methods that may keep you and your establishment running smoothly.

Set daily boundaries, but leave a key

Whether you want to spend evenings with family, avoiding family or binge-watching a resurrected sitcom on Netflix, you need non-work related intervals to let each day’s dust settle. Do your best to disconnect and not just while you sleep. If you are accessible 24/7, some people may take advantage. If your business often has dealings or clients in other time zones, obviously you should work those accommodations in to your schedule.  Be selective about what you respond to, and how quickly.

I recently detailed the importance of hiring key, trustworthy employees, and this absolutely applies to your operations officer and/or assistant. Have the appropriate person keep you informed without being inundated. Perhaps create a recognizable ring tone or pattern for urgent matters, and your trusted people should be able to differentiate between “important” and “critical” instances.

Don’t eat where you sit

Your food will be rendered tasteless if you are staring at a screen or phone while eating. So get up for lunch (or dinner). And while you’re at it…

Do I really have to tell you?

In a typical office setting, you’re sitting all day. Gravity, time and stress are working against you. So exercise. It can double as a disconnecting time. Lots of successful politicians, entrepreneurs and thought leaders make the time — no matter what their familial or relationship status may be — and carve out a few hours a week to get the endorphin release they need to balance themselves. And make at least one or two of those hours during your work week. Don’t like cardio or weights? Find a local sports league, yoga class or meditate.

I can attest to the correlation between your physical and mental health. When I am walking on the greenway in my town, which I try to do a few times a week, some good ideas for my clients or my firm come to me when I can work my body and clear my mind.

The stress of your job is a given, but if employees see a happy, healthy leader in the boardroom and in the hallway, you’ll exude confidence without saying a word or drafting an email.

Knowing when to “not worry”

We’re a step past the aforementioned disconnect. “Not worrying” is exemplified by leaving early for the occasional appointment, theater performance, or a child’s softball game. The building is still standing and the world is still on its axis. Keep that phone on vibrate and keep your gaze fixed on the life event before you. Your trusted few will have access to you in dire emergencies.

When to relax

Vacations are for relaxing. You’re the boss and you’ve earned it. Of course, half the fun of being on vacation is “accidentally” leaving your phone at home.

Of course, I fail at all of these, but it’s the journey, not the goal that makes it worth it, no?Meditation


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I formerly worked as a satellite employee from my home state of New Jersey. I ended my employment with my former employer in 2016. In 2018, I was sued by my former employer for $1.1 million in Illinois State Court. I was referred to Brinen & Associates, LLC by a friend who is a client of the firm. Brinen & Associates, LLC came highly recommended. I contacted Joshua Brinen and then had a consultation at his office with his colleague Mark White. Together, Messrs. Brinen and White explained my options...

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