Business of Law

How to Sell Your Business, Part I: The Letter of Intent

Selling a business can be complex.  A business sale involves considerable negotiation. After the buyer and seller have come to a basic agreement regarding the business sale, the buyer will typically send a letter of intent to purchase the company. This letter...

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When Do You Not Need Privity in Contracts?

Privity is between the promisor and promise — the individuals who are the contracting parties. Some contracts draw in people other than the parties to the agreement. For example, a third-party beneficiary is not a contracting party, but can still receive a benefit...

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What Makes a Contract?

A contract is a legally binding agreement between two or more parties. If you own a business, you likely enter into contracts all the time — and it’s important to understand the mechanics of these important documents. To be enforceable by a court, a contract must meet...

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What is a Breach of Contract?

A contract is a legal agreement between two or more parties. If a party fails to fulfill their obligations under the contract, they can be held responsible for breaching the contract. A breach can include anything from failure to deliver the goods or services on time,...

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